The Venue

The conference will be held at Polonia Castle (Dom Polonii) in Pultusk, Poland. Pultusk is an unusually scenic and conveniently located town by the river Narew, 70 km north of Warsaw. It is situated close to the track leading to the Masovian lakes and to Pojezierze Augustowskie. The oldest part of Pułtusk raises on the island created by forked arm of Narew that is why it is called “The Venice of the North”.
Mrs. Małgorzata Krupa, Key Account Manager
Polonia Castle (Dom Polonii) Hotel
ul. Szkolna 11, 06-100 Pułtusk, Poland
tel. +48 23 692 90 81
Fax +48 23 692 05 24
E-mail: m.krupa[at]